Other tracked vehicles for sale

- !!!SOLD!!!
- Calibre 203.2 mm
- Secret weapon ( nuclear ammunition firing)
- NATO code M-1975

- Amphibious tracked carrier made in the Soviet Union
- Transport capacity up to 10 tons + large loading area
- It was used as a rescue and recovery vehicle for crossing of water obstacles

SAURER with turret APC
- !!!SOLD!!!
- Austrian armoured carrier
- Version with a turret gun carriage for a 20 mm gun
- Equipment in excellent condition

SAURER APC ambulance
- !!!SOLD!!!
- Excellent condition
- Easy operation – controlled by a steering wheel
- The rear part of the vehilce is adapted for transport of the wounded

SAURER APC Reconaissance
- !!!SOLD!!!
- Austrian construction developed in the 1950s.
- Easy to operate - automatic gearbox
- Only 2.5 m wide - not oversized